Athletes from seven nations took part in the 20th Bokoder Cup.
Among them, for the first time since the beginning of the war, was a delegation from the Ukrainian community of Nagybereg.

At peak times, 150 internally displaced persons were housed there in western Ukraine.
“Currently, there are still 32 refugees in the school,” reported school director Tihamer Gejzi.
Classes have started this school year again.
Tihamer and his wife Natascha have been rebuilding artistic cycling since September.

Twice a week, they conduct training for a junior athlete and ten newcomers in a high school 10 km away.
VfH Worms paid another donation to the Ukrainian coaching team in Bokod.
With around €9,000 in donations for Ukraine, VfH Worms is ending its campaign and asking you to channel further donations via ICWW.
ICWW organized and financed a Ukrainian World Championship starting in Ghent at very short notice.
Further measures for the reconstruction of Ukrainian artistic cycling are being planned.
You can pay your donation to the following account using the keyword “Ukraine Hilfe”.
Indoor Cycling World Wide (Förderverein Hallenradsport e.V.)
Bank details: IBAN: DE24 5509 1200 0029 1838 05, BIC: GENODE61AZY (Volksbank Alzey-Worms eG)