Christmas greetings

Dear members,

Another year with many events lies behind us.But this time I don’t want to look back. Instead, I would like to look forward to the new year, which has many tasks in store for us.

Last year, we had to limit our activities because we invested a lot in Glasgow and also fulfilled many obligations.
This is now the good news for 2025. Our financial situation has improved significantly. We have reached a new agreement with the UCI, which gives us the opportunity for new and proven projects. This also includes the agreement to organize the World Cup competitions in artistic cycling for another three years.

However, we can and want to continue our core task of supporting weak nations and building up new ones.
We look forward to fulfilling these tasks in the new year.

I would also like to thank all our friends and supporters for their trust. The 2024 World World Championship in Bremen was a great success for us. The fundraising campaign opened up a new field for us thanks to the cooperation of everyone involved.

We weren’t quite able to achieve our goal of a new record number of participants, but with 23, we reached the 1988 mark again. If we look at the countries that are still on the rise, we could surpass this figure by 2025.
A big thank you also to all donors of the past year. Some large donations and many small donations have made it easy for us to make the decision to start something new.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new members who joined us in Bremen, in Tarquinia and also during the course of the year. In the new year, we will present our work and activities to them and to all members in an online meeting.

Here is the date, it is the
March 25, 2025 at 17:00h
We will publish the corresponding access options shortly.

I wish all members and friends of Indoor Cycling

A blessed Christmas and a peaceful and healthy New Year

Rolf Halter, Chairman ICWW

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