JOPO, so were countless e-mails and competition information signed. He never loved this signature as a form of a nickname. For him, Jupp was his preferred form of appellation for all indoor cyclists around the world. As a functionary, it was very important to him, volunteering and commit to the sport.
Even though he never appeared as a functionary at Indoor Cycling World Wide, he was always well-disposed towards our work and thus supported the ideals of indoor cycling without any restrictions.
Where would team sports be today without his support? In 1995, we asked him to include the ACT4 event in the official program as a demonstration at the European Junior Championships in Oelde. But that was not enough for Jupp. Right from the start, this became the first official international championship competition in this discipline in Oelde.
This is just one example of the countless ways in which he has supported indoor cycling. But that was not all that distinguished him. Also, the human side, his cheerful way of life, the balancing mentality with the thought to celebrate together, to find solutions together will remain unforgotten and will be missed forever.
But we also think of his wife and family, whom he has now left forever.