Partner country: the Netherlands

– as of January 2022

A first contact to the Dutch clubs KWV de Heidebloem; Heerlen and TWC Maaslandster; Sittard has worked out.
In Heerlen Corona left a big mark. The training was very difficult, often even impossible.
But there the training has been resumed with 5 athletes. They are very open to the support of the ICWW.
At TWC Maaslandster there are no active athletes at the moment. But also here there is an interest to get in contact with the ICWW (again).
Another contact to a Dutch UCI Commissaire Artistic has an interest in the expansion of the sports in the vicinity of Eindhoven. Unfortunately, there are no capacities available to capacities to initiate something completely new.

Now we have to keep in touch and stay in contact. Maybe the international training camp meets interest.

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