STATUTE (copy)
Indoor Cycling World Wide - Förderverein Hallenradsport e. V.
The name of the association is “Indoor Cycling World Wide – Förderverein Hallenradsport e. V.”.
It is registered in the Register of Associations of the Local Court of Mainz. The registered office of the Association is in Worms.
The financial year is the calendar year.
The purpose of the Association is the promotion of indoor cycling and the promotion of international cooperation for the development of indoor cycling”. It exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes in the sense of §§ 51 ff. AO.
The Association shall act selflessly; it shall not primarily pursue its economic purposes.
The Association’s funds may only be used for purposes in accordance with the Statutes. The members shall not receive any share of the profits and, in their capacity as members, no other benefits from the Association’s funds.
No person may be favoured by expenses that are alien to the statutory purpose of the Association or by disproportionately high remuneration
Any person may become a member of the Association. In the case of minors, the membership application must be submitted by the legal representative.
The Executive Committee shall decide on the application for membership to be submitted in writing. An appeal against a negative decision may be lodged with the next ordinary General Meeting within one month of receipt of the written rejection.
The membership fee shall be determined by the General Assembly. It shall be due for payment on 1 June of each year.
A member who is more than six months in arrears with his annual subscription shall be reminded in writing of the due payment. If payment is still not made, the member shall be removed from the membership list on 31 December of the same year. § Section 5, paragraph II of the Statutes shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Resignation from the Association is only possible at the end of the year. The notice of resignation must be in writing and must reach a member of the Executive Committee by 30 September at the latest. A resigned member shall not be entitled to any share of the Association’s assets.
A member may be expelled from the Association if he/she intentionally acts against the interests of the Association. The General Assembly decides on the exclusion with a 2/3 majority. A copy of the application for expulsion shall be sent to the member concerned two weeks before the General Assembly. A written statement by the member concerned shall be read out at the meeting. The Executive Board shall notify the member not present at the meeting in writing of the reasoned decision to expel the member.
§ Article 5, paragraph II of the Statutes shall apply accordingly.
The organs of the Association are the General Assembly and the Executive Committee.
Further organs may be formed by the resolution of the General Meeting.
The Executive Committee consists of the 1st and 2nd Chairmen, the Treasurer, and the Secretary.
The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association on an honorary basis.
Resolutions shall be passed in accordance with § 28, section I in conjunction with § 32 of the German Civil Code (BGB) with the proviso that in the event of a tie, the 1st Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
The Association shall be represented in and out of court by the 1st and 2nd Chairperson. Each of them is entitled to represent the Association individually. The 2nd Chairperson shall be instructed internally to use his or her power of sole representation only if the 1st Chairperson is prevented from doing so.
The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the General Assembly for a period of two years.
However, the representative board (1st and 2nd chairperson) shall remain in office until a new board has been elected.
If a member leaves the Board prematurely, the remaining members of the Board are entitled to appoint a member of the Association to the Board until the election of a successor by the General Assembly.
The General Assembly is responsible for
– the amendment of the Statutes
– the election of the members of the Executive Committee and their discharge
– the fixing of membership fees
– the admission of a member following an appeal by the rejected member against the negative decision of the Executive Committee
– the expulsion of a member
– the dissolution of the Association.
An ordinary general meeting must take place at least every 2 years.
An extraordinary general meeting must be convened if the interests of the association require it if the 10th part of the members has requested the convening in writing from the executive committee, stating the purpose and reason.
The Executive Committee is responsible for setting the agenda and for convening the meeting. An ordinary general meeting shall be convened at least four weeks in advance, an extraordinary general meeting at least three weeks in advance, and the agenda shall be announced. The invitation to the General Assembly shall be made in writing.
All members present at the general meeting who have reached the age of sixteen are entitled to vote.
The candidate who receives the most votes and thus has the relative majority is elected. / absolute majority 50% + 1 of the votes cast.
For other votes, a simple majority shall be decisive. However, a 2/3 majority is required if the subject of the vote is the expulsion of a member, an amendment to the Statutes, or the dissolution of the Association; a change of purpose requires a majority of 4/5. Abstentions are not counted.
Minutes of the general meeting shall be taken and signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary.
A resolution to dissolve the Association may only be passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened with this item on the agenda.
If the liquidation of the Association’s assets is necessary (dissolution, deprivation of legal capacity), the members of the representative board in office shall be the liquidators.
The assets of the Association remaining after liquidation shall be transferred to the City of Worms, which shall use them directly and exclusively for charitable purposes of indoor cycling.
§ 13 Data Protection
When a member joins, the Association records his/her address, age, and bank details. This information shall be stored in the Association’s own computer system. A membership number shall be assigned to each member of the Association. The personal data shall be protected from third-party access by appropriate technical and organizational measures.